Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Not Penny's Boat

1. I'm still waiting to see a number of movies (namely There Will Be Blood, Sweeney Todd, Charlie Wilson's War, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly and Juno) before offering my thoughts for the best of 2007. In the meantime, The Onion's AV Club has offered there thoughts on the worst movies of the year. I'm happy to report that I haven't seen any of the films on the list. Number 1? Norbit. Not on their list but on my list: Dan in Real Life.

2. Here's a very funny review of the upcoming J.J. Abrams' produced movie, Cloverfield (choice line: "I don't know if the movie makers are looking for poster quotes, but this movie is like a pussy that eats YOU out."). For those not in the know, Cloverfield is the upcoming geek movie de jure, about a monster that goes ape-shit destroying New York City. Inspired by real-life footage of the 9/11 attacks, the movie is entirely shot from the hand-held digital cameras of its characters. Cloverfield mashes its way into theaters this January. You can watch the trailer here.

3. Set your DVR's - new episodes of LOST return Thursday, Jan. 31st at 9pm. Due to the ongoing writers' strike, only 7 of the season's 16 episodes have been completed - so we'll have to sit through a hiatus between episodes similar to last season. A preview for season 4 is below, and a link to the ongoing Missing Pieces "webisodes" can be found here. Also for fans of The Wire, the upcoming season will feature actor Lance Reddick (Lt. Cedric Daniels)

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