Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stuff White People Like

I came across this website called "Stuff White People Like" which documents...stuff white people like. It's entertaining, but the site name is misleading. It should really be called, "Stuff Hipster Left Leaning Yuppies Like." Here are some samples:
#61: Bicycles
#60: Toyota Prius
#58: Japan
#51: Living by the Water
#48: Whole Foods and Grocery Co-Ops
#39: Netflix
#30: Wrigley Field
#28: Not Having a TV
#22: Having Two Last Names
#11: Asian Girls ("White girls never go for asian guys. Bruce Lee and Paul Kariya’s dad are the only recorded instances in modern history")
#9: Making You Feel Bad About Not Going Outside
#8: Barack Obama

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have mixed feelings about Stuff People Like. On the hand, obviously its funny. But funny in a way that's sorta shitty. And also the Wrigley Field post is the worst one. By far. Recycling is the best post.