Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fear in Advertising

Although Fox News, CNN and MSNBC get the bulk of attention when it comes to coverage of the Presidential campaigns, the most balanced and informative media outlet is easily CSPAN (channels 70 and 60 if you have Time Warner Cable in NYC). Besides showing various candidate campaign stops in Iowa and New Hampshire, the channel has a fair number of knowledgeable guests taking calls from bipartisan voters from all over the country. Tonight, CSPAN ran the recent political ads of all the major candidates.

The most entertaining of the bunch was Giuliani's spot where he reminds voters of the perils of the modern world (terrorism, assignations, explosions, etc). Essentially, it is the same exact ad Bill Murray's character in SCROOGED concocts to terrify viewers into watching a live production of "A Christmas Carol". Really, it's uncanny and I wouldn't be surprised if the national media picked up on it:

Here's the Giuliani ad:

Here's the ad from SCROOGED (start watching around 1:30)

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