Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Zogby Poll: Obama Strong but Clinton Slips Against GOPers

Here is an interesting Zogby poll for those Democrats who believe Hilary Clinton is the only candidate who can beat the Republicans. In fact, when voters are given a choice between Clinton and each of the Republican candidates, she loses each time. When a similar question is presented with Barack Obama, he beats each of the Republican candidates.


BookieD said...

Good to have you back, Harris! I see that readership has declined since your Bar-related sabatical. I'll do my best to spread the word around the Blogosphere that TMCF is back and better than ever. A few quick responses to the recent content:

1. I read about the UCB/SNL thing and was also extremely jealous. Who would have known about this? Was it basically a performance for friends of the Upright Citizens?

2. Never thought I'd see you quoting VDH here.

3. Mrs. Bookie and I really want to try Rock Band. We'll have to stop by and check it out.

4. I go back and forth believing in the "inevitability" of Hillary and believing that there are enough people who can't stand her that she can lose. The polls seem to do this as well.

JG said...

Note that this poll has been disputed in certain quarters (and not just by the hillary-ites):

Generally speaking, I am not a fan of dailykos, but Josh Marshall linked to this, so I am willing to go with Kos in this circumstance.

harris said...

So I've read. The Zogby people have posted a response to the criticism:

Unknown said...

Looking at how the other half polls, have you seen that Huckabee is actually ahead of the Romnoid in a recent Iowa poll? Which must look pretty sweet to Rudy...

And, as long as I'm here, let me second Bookied's disbelief that you're dropping VDH quotes, friend.