Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Carrie Brownstein, guitarist/vocalist for Sleater-Kinney, has an article up on Slate.com reviewing the new video game Rock Band (which I recently purchased). The article is predictable ("wouldn't it be more fun to form a real band?"), but entertaining. I don't feel as though I can offer my feelings on the game until I've had an opportunity to have a few drunken friends over to play. Any takers?

The article also of interest to me because I had something of a crush on Carrie Brownstein as a teenager. Up until that point, my understanding of Jewish women was that 99.9% of them were like the girls I had gone to summer camp with - i.e., JAPs. Carrie was a guitarist for what I then viewed as one of the best bands on the planet (and I still maintain that "Dig Me Out" is one of the best albums of the 1990s). This meant the world to me and my heart still swoons for her.

I recently learned she does comedy videos with Fred Armisen (the best cast member SNL has had for the past few seasons). Speaking of Fred Armisen, he's playing a show at Knitting Factory this Thursday, November 27th. I don't know if that means he'll be doing comedy or music (considering his former career as a musician), but I'll be attending.

1 comment:

wincheck said...

I'll come over and play this game anytime. I can probably get out of the office early today.